Being Straight is Horrible

Now that I am straight I figured it was time to learn about the roles and responsibilities of straight people. Thus I conducted a comprehensive unstructured qualitative survey (N=2) of the straight male population. What I learned may not be appropriate for those with weak constitutions.

I have known both Subject#1 and Subject#2 for years. I did not check their certifications but from outward appearances they are both quite straight. Both of them are immigrants, have well-paying Immigrant-Parent-Approved jobs, and are more successful than me in every way.

Subject#1 was married to a woman he met overseas. They moved back to Lurkistan together and lived in happily wedded bliss while she pursued higher education. Then she abruptly left him, and he was on the hook for over a hundred thousand dollars of alimony money. He took out some loans and paid off the alimony, and should have that debt paid off sometime next year. He had the option of paying an enormous lump sum or paying alimony for the next ten years, and opted for the lump sum. He says that if they had had children he would have been paying more.

Subject#1 has dipped his toe into the dating pool since. He says that straight people meet each other online now, and that it is awful. He says that at his age (he is in his early forties) there are only two types of women out there: those who are broke and looking for a man to support them financially, or those who are financially successful and independent and are looking for “arm candy” to accompany them to events and such. The aforementioned arm candy should be financially successful, handsome, well-educated, and have nice stuff. He told me a horror story about his penultimate relationship with a local girl. The dates were going okay until the third one, when she told him he needed to wear nicer brand-name polo shirts to his dates, and preferably that he pick her up in a nicer car. He says this is a common pattern among the women he has dated. (Good grief. Where would I even get designer polo shirts? Do they sell them at the thrift store?)

Interestingly, it seems Subject#1 has opened up his horizons beyond the local dating pool. Apparently he was on a dating app that catered to a lot of prospects living in Latin America (I do not remember the name of the app, but it is probably for the best I not mention it here lest Maddie learn of it). There he met a woman living in Ecuador, and they seem to have hit it off. He says he is aware of the obvious red flags around immigration and financial disparities and such, but that so far they have an emotional connection and it has been working. He has flown to Ecuador for a week’s stay to meet this woman in person, but also has not told his parents about his dating life, which is interesting because he lives at home with his parents. (No, it’s not like that. He was living on his own until the pandemic, when his parents asked him to move back. As a Good Son he did, and now he pays for a bunch of their bills in addition to paying rent.)

Subject#1 is aware that this relationship might not work out, and is not wedded (so to speak) to getting married again. But he made it quite clear that the role of a straight man is to provide, and that women expect their men to do so.

Subject#2 expressed similar themes, albeit in a different way. He had also gotten married and had the marriage fall apart, but I think it dissolved in a matter of weeks, not years. He really wanted a wife and children though, so he persevered and eventually found somebody who dutifully produced a son for him. He is also a Good Son. He bought a big house in the deepest darkest depths of suburbia, and lives there with his wife and his kid and his brother and his mother and his mother-in-law (both of whom are widowed). He is also very much the provider in his family, and is on the hook for hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of mortgage.

Clearly, Subject#2 won the rat race. I guess he is happy and got what he wants, but I am not sure he is content. I certainly was not content; I was horrified. If nothing else I was distressed about the blatant patriarchy of his arrangement: he and I (and his male kid) sat eating breakfast while all the womenfolk ran around preparing lunch and responding to whatever requests/orders he made. I guess this the outcome to which all straight men aspire, but (if you’ll forgive the expression) to me it seems like a booby prize. Mortgages sound horrible, mansions in the suburbs sound horrible, supporting dependents sounds horrible, children sound horrible, and sitting around while others serve me sounds horrible. This is what I have to look forward to? If I am lucky and win the straight guy lottery??

I wish both Subject#1 and Subject#2 the best success in their lives. As I have said, I have known both for years, they are both successful, and although they have no reason to associate with a mentally-unfit failure like me both agreed to visit. But what a dismal prospect I face.

I am almost more hurt by Subject#1’s observations of female expectations on the dating sites. I have no interest (and little ability) to be supporting others financially. I certainly don’t have good looks or nice things. I ain’t going to be anybody’s arm candy. I thought my prospects were pretty dismal in the gay world, but it looks as if things are much worse now that I am straight. I might as well start browing incel subreddits and be done with it, because I am not going to win that rat race. As for Ecuador? That ain’t going to happen for me. I can’t even afford to leave town for longer than a day trip, never mind take a one week jaunt on a plane.

Everything I have learned so far indicates that being straight is awful. I do not know how straight people manage to do it. Again and again, I lament the terrible life decisions that led me to this situation.

Yes, of course I have thought about trying to appeal my excommunication. I have prayed and begged and pleaded that somehow, someway I not be straight. I have even given serious thought to put in the work necessary to regain my gay credentials — reading all of Sixpence’s posts and commenting on them and even watching all the videos, but then I remembered that in addition to the innumerable house tours he also posts multi-hour fashion runway videos, and I just don’t have the time. I barely have a job now! I don’t want to be unemployed again! So there are no good options, and everything is hopeless.

Probably I will be excommunicated by the straights as well, and then I will be like one of those people who find themselves stateless when their home country and adopted country both rescind their citizenship. I will be without a sexual orientation, and be denied all the privileges and protections associated with such.

15 thoughts on “Being Straight is Horrible

  1. My, you are a funny little bugger aren’t you. Fear not, I will personally vouch for you in your application to be readmited to the gay-verse. And, I will be there waiting for you with open arms as you leave the courthouse in West Hollywood with your rainbow colored citizen ship papers. While we have never met much less “met” I think I can read between the lines and you are, in fact, a wonderfully handsome gay man that just loves to play with our emotions.


    1. I cannot be a “funny little bugger” because I am straight now, and straight people do not engage in anal sex.

      Don’t confuse “reading between the lines” with projecting your hopes. It is like that saying: “May I be the person my dog thinks I am”.


      1. I have a surprise for you. According to Google 44% of straight folks have anal sex. So you may have something to look forward to, even as a newly straight man. As for the dog statement. I am of the belief that the greatest thing that can ever happen to a human being is being loved by a dog. And, if I ever manage to be what my little Timmy thinks I am…well, I will be one hell of a nice man instead of the dirty old man that I so often am. So, if you are the man I think you are then you are still the Lurkie we all have come to know and love…gay, straight or a little green man in a polka dot bikini.


        1. That number seems high but if you can’t trust giant corporations then who can you trust. I can understand straight people engaging in anal to keep the bride virginal for one’s marriage night, but afterwards? Why would straight people do anal when they could be having straight sex? Is this what happens when you let gay people celebrate Pride? The straights (we straights) get jealous and want in on the action?

          I hope Timmy sees you in a good light. But it sounds as if he would rather spend his time in his new chair rather than snuggled up next to you.


          1. So, as a newly born straight are you jealous of us real gays and want in on our action. Listen dude, you just stick to that void space between the thighs of your new, and very straight, girlfriend. There are few enough power bottoms to go around in the gay community and we do not need you skimming off the cream of the crop, or any other cream for that matter. And while Timmy sleeps in his chair (note that I did not say my chair or the chair or our chair) when I go to bed he always jumps up and snuggles right agains the back of my neck.


            1. I knew I had to be somewhere in the post! LMAOOOOOO You never disappoint, Lurkie.
              Now, as for being straight, I don’t think it suits you. Or me. Queerness is our shining armour, Lurkie. Besides, I just cannot picture you French kissing some damsel, whether in distress or not. Also, N=2? Validity and reliability are against you here.
              But being straight is kind of complicated, no?
              I have never understood their need to scream from the top of roofs that they are socially acceptable because they’ve found someone to marry them. And then they go ahead and spend the down payment for a house in some ceremony that nobody will remember after two months. At least they keep a photo album/website? And they are either way too choosy or will take any comers (literally). There’s no middle ground for most of them.
              Now I see why you posted that terrible, horrible, no good Marital Scale. My condolences, babes. Straighthood is not sainthood, by the way.



              1. I am glad somebody got the sample size joke.

                French kissing? Yuck. That wasn’t appealing even before I was straight.


                1. It comes handy to read one book or two, natch.
                  And you know some of the gals are indeed quite demanding. And I’m talking more than just a kiss on the hand. That may be quite continental, but…



            2. LOL
              I have always told Lurkie that Power Bottoms will save the world and he still doesn’t believe me. Also, I think your words about that void space will have him running back to Gayness in no time.



                1. But Lurkie, you have apparently done that.
                  For a number of years, I a-ssume?
                  Or will we get the news that you’re not Gold Star (c)?



                    1. Well, so if the shoe fits, a-voidance is warranted?
                      You’ll have to get your hands dirty, Lurkie. Gay or *heavens forbid* straight, you’ll have to come clear…
                      Ha! I said ‘come’.



  2. Being ‘rejected’ as it were by both sides of the fence puts you in a marvelous position of being on your own and not giving tuppenence to both side’s rules and regulations. Good for you.


    1. Not giving tuppence for either side’s rules, except for the consequences, you mean. People ostracised from their communities become vulnerable prey.


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