
While this blog is still around, there’s one thing I wanted to write about. It’s kind of dumb, but I am writing it anyways. I will try to keep the main point short.

In March 2013 (ten years ago now!) Ron in Delaware and Cubby hosted a blogger get-together eventually dubbed Bloggerpalooza. In March of 2014 there was a second event, and then Ron retired from organizing them. It seems that most of the bloggers involved enjoyed these events, and ever since then there have been occasional murmurs about doing something again, but it has never happened. (That’s not quite true: some bloggers meet from time to time at Palm Springs, which might count.

Similarly, since Anne Marie in Philly died there have been murmurs about people getting together to drink gin and commemorate her and Todd. As far as I know, this has never happened.

I am here to tell you that if you are serious about these murmurings then somebody has to commit to making it happen. Maddie excepted, none of us are getting any younger, and eventually people get too frail to travel. Sometimes people die. Sometimes people move too far away to make in-person events feasible.

If these murmurings are phatic “oh we really ought to get together sometime!” non-promises, and people are just as content never to meet in person as they are to meet, then that’s fine. But if you folks are serious then somebody has to make something happen (and for obvious reasons that somebody is not me).

In my opinion COVID is not over, and despite everybody going travel-crazy again, maybe this is not the time. But if you wait 1130 days to do something, then you might find it is not doable by that time, or you might find that nobody has gotten around to making it happen.

The bloggerpaloozas were fancy affairs with gift bags and outings and such. I do not know that the next blogger get-together would have to be as elaborate. As long as you have a date and a place to meet, some hotel accomodations, supplies for the orgy room, and some restaurant reservations you should be fine. Even this will be far more organizing than you initially thought, but if you split the work between two or three reliable people you can make it happen.

One question is where. Philadelphia is an obvious location, but there may not be a suitable host there. There might be another place that works for many people, such as Washington DC or Harrisburg. That would make it hard for Dr Spo and Fearsome and Jimmy and others who are not in the Northeast. Maybe California would be better?

Another question is when. Anne Marie’s birthday was September 6, which is close to the Labor Day weekend. Her deathday was May 27, which I guess is close to Memorial Day? Because of biological family obligations maybe neither of these is ideal. (Nothing, of course, says that a third Bloggerpalooza has to be associated with AM at all.)

For obvious reasons I would not be attending such a shindig. I do not have a clear sense of who else might attend. I also do not know whether it would be worth the time or effort. It does seem that Bloggerpalooza was transformative for some people, but that does not mean a third get together would be worth the hassle. The only point I am trying to make is that if you want this to happen then you have to make it happen.

Historical Archives

In researching the Bloggerpaloozas I discovered that nobody collected blog posts about the events. So guess what stupid thing I did?

Where possible I linked to the original posts. For some people I turned to the Internet Archive, and I was not able to track down writeups from some participants (including Cubby!). I have also chosen to include all participant writeups I could find, even though some of them have become controversial in the years since.

Sadly, some of the entries have rotted and the images are no longer visible.

Bloggerpalooza 1: March 23-24 2013

Bloggerpalooza 2: March 13-15 2014

35 thoughts on “Bloggerpalooza

  1. Holy shit!
    Those events were like ComicCon! Seriously! I would have loved to win a Billy Doll! And I was *this* close to go meet with Maddie and Anne-Marie and then Covid happened. Anne Marie even knitted a hat and a scarf for me and she was set to give them to me as a get-together gift. You are right, for many people traveling right now may not be feasible and for many who live in the Midwest (like me) would be easier to head either West or East than for people who live in Texas or Florida.
    As for the organization, that requires too much time and logistics for one person to do. It could be better if three’s some sort of committee of sorts, where responsibilities could be shared and duties distributed so it’s not so overwhelming.
    I, for one would love to meet my tribe (yes, Lurkie, I have a tribe) and a road trip would not be out of the question, especially in the Summertime. There could be two events, (or three?) one in the East and one in the West and that would give the chance to most everybody to meet. I would not like to go to Florida (Meatball Ron and his fascism) or Texas (Gregg Abbott’s fuckery) but I would think about it.
    And what do you mean you would not go? You’re stirring the pot and bailing on us? That’s not very Blogger-y of you, Lurkie!



    1. Hold on, little doggie. Before organizing two or three events a few people should get together and organize one. Some people will be left out but that’s how it goes.


      1. Hahaha
        Oh, NOW you tell me that?
        But I think people could organize as many/in as many places as they want or can. Also, you never told me why is it that you want OTHER PEOPLE to meet? You’re stirring the pot and leaving the kitchen?



        1. Yes, I am stirring the pot and leaving the kitchen. For obvious reasons I would not be attending, but as the token grouchy old person in this group I know how regret works. So if I inspire others to try and organize something then I have done my job.


          1. But of course you are.
            Except that you are not counting on us sending you a Zoom link to whichever get together we manage to concoct and then you’ll have to actually be there. Curiosity. It always gets the grouchy kitty. We cannot leave the token grouchy older person out (even though I know grouchier than you, natch).
            Technology. It can (and will) be used.



  2. I think you should organize it, Lurky! Step outside of your comfort zone.

    I am one of the mumblers who throws out a new blogger get together every now and then. It would be quite fun. I’d prefer a designated weekend and meet up time than a full scale organized weekend (although Ron did an amazing job.) How do you decide to accommodate more or less? When and where do you go? It’s harder than it sounds. I’ve been focusing on meeting new bloggers when we naturally cross paths, but I’m not opposed to helping organize something if the interest is there. Just so many factors to consider. Sigh.


    1. I have never organized a Bloggerpalooza but I have done some organizing in my time. No more for me, thanks.

      You will never please everybody, but getting something low-key is not that difficult. Talk with 2-4 people you would like to have attend and pick a date that works for most of that group. Then open up that date to everybody else and promote the FOMO out of it.

      I wholeheartedly agree that Ron put on quite a show. Maybe the spectacle of that has turned other people off of organizing something. On the other hand, Fearsome, Maddie, Anne Marie and RTG got together once, and that worked okay.


  3. Fair enough, although often the simplest and most well meaning of gestures results in drama.

    I’ve always thought NYC would be a fun place to congregate.


    1. Off the top of my head, I can’t think of bloggers who live in NYC. You might be the closest overall. Mitchell comes back to visit Kid Brother from time to time, I think, but that’s only once every few years.

      NYC is certainly not a budget meetup, though; you might need that promotion if you want to attend a Bloggerpalooza there. On the other hand it is a good tourist city with lots of good restaurants and accomodations.


      1. That was my thought: NYC offers so much to do, bloggers might be more willing to go there than say where I live, which offers very little in entertainment. I would prefer to choose a location more accessible to more bloggers, though. I wouldn’t want it to be cost prohibitive for anyone. I’d also want to keep it in a gay friendly location, since you are correct in pointing out most bloggers in our “blogger circle” are gay (but not all.) Tgats really what I meant about drama. I don’t want to risk upsetting anyone because we chose the wrong place at the wrong time making it impossible for them to participate. I am way too much for people pleaser so that really worries me that anything I try to plan will ultimately exclude someone unintentionally.



        1. Ohhh I see what you mean.
          I would not really want to go to Texas or Florida (or Tennessee or even Missouri that is just next to me) because they are hotbeds of homophobia. And a big city would have attractions that people could visit besides meeting with fellow bloggers.
          I do know that Anne Marie and Maddie and Sassybear(?) met and that would be perf. But I think they all lived relatively close. Maybe finding some quaint city that’s not NY expensive but equidistant for most could be cool?
          And some Blogger meeting every now and then sounds like fun!



        2. You (or whomever plans this) would not please everybody, but that’s okay. This would provide the opportunity for people to get together, not a promise of a perfect getaway. Travel never works out perfectly and I think people get that.

          Lowkey events that happen on a regular basis (annually, biannually, etc) are better than elaborate ones that happen once a decade, in my opinion. That way if someone (or Someone) cannot attend one year there is a different one to look forward to.

          As for tourist attractions: yes, a place like NYC has more to offer, and yes, having some kind of entertainment lined up is nice. But that is not the main focus. You will be each other’s entertainment.


      1. I would foresee one or three hookups, if that’s what you mean by drama?



        1. I don’t think so. These get togethers don’t give off that kind of energy. At least the one I attended was very platonic and friendly, but we mostly all did stuff together as a group. However, never say never and either way – what happens at a blogger get together stays at a blogger got together *smirk*

          I just meant the more people the more potential for two or more people not to get along. Also, if everyone isn’t easy-going, there could be disagreements and arguments about where to go what to do how to spend our time together, yada yada yada. I think, in order to attend and enjoy something like this, you have to be very laid-back and just go with the flow; but I think some people are fine with being discordant no matter what they’re doing, so there’s always that risk.

          bottom line, often the best laid plans, go awry. My personal experience with bloggers have been excellent and wonderful with one exception. So odds are it would go well, and I would make even more new blogger friends in real life. You’ve inspired me to put this out there on my blog and see if we can make some thing happened. maybe even an annual thing where we switch locations so different people can attend different get together‘s as time and money and opportunity allow.


          1. LOL
            I was just teasing Lurkie. Love to see him riled up. But I get what you say. There’s always the one…
            I think that for example, the group of bloggers who make up my commenters, would get along fairly well. It’s mostly dudes, but we have Debra to keep us grounded. You should indeed put this on your blog. I think I’ll do the same and see how it goes. Who knows? Maybe Lurkie is reigniting a revolution…



              1. That’s the spirit!

                Holding a Bloggerpalooza in the frozen tundra of Edmonton would be an interesting idea, but I feel it would be even more inaccessible to many bloggers in our group. It would not lack for touristy things to do, though: you could all go to the mall.


    1. I’m sure there are many people who would like to meet you.

      Yes, I think lots of people wanted to party with Anne Marie. But circumstances change, and we cannot depend on people being around long enough for us to meet them.


      1. Yes,…everyone wants my body.

        BTW Lurkie,…have ever thought about being a therapist? You’re pretty good!


  4. I was never to any of the Blogger get togethers you mention….I didn’t know any of them till Anne Marie and I met. We had several meet ups with us and some readers, and of course a few times with Fearsome Beard and his hubby and with Mark from Delaware and his husband Joe.

    Fun bit. The blogger events I attend were the Dust Bunny blogger get togethers from David Dust, who had a wildly popular blog and had more bloggers attend his in New York than any other. I couldn’t believe it. My good friends with many still. They came from all over the country too. Some swell times. Fun bar crawls in the Village. It’s where I met Mark from Delaware… who was eventually my introduction to Anne Marie, and her to many others I read now. I have two upcoming people I’m meeting…one reader and one blogger…respectfully in July and September. Had I not moved, I would have loved to have hosted one in Center City Philadelphia. I never could make up my mind would I host it, or the Mistress?

    My last meeting with Anne Marie was a three hour lunch where she talked of the ills and many doing poorly for such a get together. She said -“Don’t get old Maddie”

    I’m trying.

    And if there was a get together, you may not come, but you’d be there in spirit, I can tell you. But my wish list would be Debs, Sixpence, Dr Spo, Jon and Madame Arcati in the UK, Squire John, Mitchell, Upton King, Bob and Carlos, Jimmy, Travel Penguin and yourself…. and readers, Agnes, Tundra Bunny, Huntly Bi Guy, Christina and my Duchess Deedles. I just adore her.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That is quite the guest list. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have Deedles at an event? Tundra Bunny would be fun too.

      I had never heard of David Dust. It looks like he abandoned his blog in 2013?

      You could host something in Harrisburg, no?


      1. I adore Deedles….and we email regularly. I’m also amazed just how many readers also email and stay in touch. But she just tickles me. Yes…David Dust was the one who talked me into blogging after commenting for some time…but he hung up the blog when his job just got to busy…and yes…dreaded Facebook. He got invited to New York events all the time and Project Runway finales because of his funny recaps he’d post.

        I have thought of an event in Harrisburg…a pretty city, but not much in the way of venues or attractions like say Philly or even my New Hope, where I recently moved from, though most people seem to enjoy staying at “the ” venue anyhow. It’s just nice to have the offering of sights for those who may make a longer stay. More bang for the buck so to speak. Sassy bear and I came close twice to meeting up in New Hope…but we had such short notice. I was glad to hear he loved the town though. I could also conceivably meet him in Ptown sometime, one never knows. It seems the smaller get togethers are the thing now, and easier to meet in a shorter notice moment, as say trying to collect 15 or more.

        I will say, everyone I have met reader, or blogger, couldn’t have been more nice, welcoming and fun…and all seemed to be just like on their blog. Swell bunch and no surprises from out of left field.


        1. Oh, Maddie, you should host!
          I’ve been telling you for years that we should get together. I think some of the bloggers (and commenters) from the East cost and the Midwest would attend. I’d die if all of us got together.
          We should also plan and visit either Cali (and invite CaliBoi) or Texas (Jon is there). I would say Florida, but I refuse to give Meatball Ron any money.
          Also, Lurkie would have to attend if not in person, via Zoom. I want to flash him.



  5. I used to hear from The Duchess but I stopped using my G mail account. Maddie, you should give her my contact that you have. I would love to hear from her again.


    1. I figure you have your Palm Springs getaways to entertain you, but I agree it would be nice. The question is: who will bell the cat?


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