Holiday Disspirits

Well, another Dec 5 has come and gone, yet I am still here. I have not been beaten with bundles of sticks. I have not been thrown into a wicker basket and been taken down to my forever home. Krampusnacht has come and gone, and justice has not been served.

Now that Henry Kissinger is gone, I am not sure there are many more suitable candidates for the Krampus’s wrath. I have been naughty and misbehaving for decades, and this year I turned things up a notch. I was greedy and miserly and gluttonous. I was oblivious to other people’s pain. I left many cruel comments on people’s blogs under the guise of wit. I studiously avoided charity and kindness. I openly questioned people’s relationships with their One True Loves in Ohio. I flubbed basic knowledge of queerness so badly I had to resign my card in humiliation and shame. I slacked off at work. I yucked other people’s yums. I neglected my chores at home. I didn’t read enough books. Whenever the opportunity presented itself to make the world a better place I looked away and pretended I had not seen. I hurt people’s feelings. I used uncouth unladylike language regularly. I got along poorly with others and had a few screaming fits at people who did not deserve such. I was a bad friend and a bad neighbor. I was lazy and undisciplined. I let too many correspondences lapse from neglect. When in the company of others I dominated conversations and talked too much, and whined and moaned and complained. I always had advice to proffer and no grace to accept any that was given. I played Mariah Carey’s Christmas tune on endless repeat for hours and hours. I spent money on indulgent fripperies like money was going out of style, and refused to give money to those who would really benefit. I am generally regarded, if regarded at all, as the most unpleasant, stingy, sinful person in town. And yet, once again justice has not been served. I am beginning to wonder whether the Krampus is even real.

19 thoughts on “Holiday Disspirits

  1. Everything you list is part of what make you the loveable old curmudgeon that you are to so many of us. And, that hairy beast that wanders the streets on the night of Dec. 5th must just see such a kindred spirit in you that he spares you for another year. What joy and excitement I felt when I saw that you have posted yet one more time. And, to see a mention of finding true love and happiness in Ohio…well it just proved to me that you really do care for us all and at this time of year to boot. Well a happy holiday to you my favorite old coot…and that comes from one old coot to another.


    1. Does Charlie Brown ever kick the football? Does Linus ever see the Great Pumpkin? I am sure I can be more naughty (maybe it’s time to start supporting Republicans?), but what is the point?

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Well, that right there was your downfall! Mariah Carey’s Christmas tune on endless repeat for hours and hours!?! It’s a wonder you have any sanity left…and the tune is so bad that would explain why even Krampus didn’t even visit you.

    Will you at least hang a humbug for the holiday? A friend of mine has a glass humbug and it’s the only thing he puts out, lol!!!!


    1. Worse, I will put it on endless repeat all year round, not just during the Xmas season. It is easy to tune out Mariah and pay attention to the background vocals.

      No, no humbugs for me.


  3. “I played Mariah Carey’s Christmas tune on endless repeat for hours and hours.”
    no wonder the Krampus didn’t show. That tune would keep Satan away.


  4. Oh, here you are.
    And you think those things were bad? Where you did you learn to do bad deeds? With the Moms For Liberty? They do threesomes now, you know?
    And between you and I, I love that Mariah song. Shhhh! Don’t tell Mads. I’d be banished along with you and then we’d have to dye each other’s hair platinum blond and have a gay midlife crisis.



    1. Yes, those things are bad.Hurting other people is nothing to be proud of.

      Liberty means you can do what you want so long as your actions do not impede the rights of others. Three-ways fall into that category, I suppose. (Rape is less so.)

      re: Mariah: my lips are sealed until I need blackmail material.


      1. Oh Moms For Liberty, a.k.a. Assholes with Casseroles, KKK Karens and Bigots in Aprons are a group that named anybody interested in helping Queer kids ‘groomers’ and pedophiles. They started anti-LGBTQ campaigns, tried to curtail other people’s liberties and touted their moral superiority only be discovered to be hypocrites who were indeed having… gay sex.
        Anybody who pretends to be morally superior to others while trashing them are fair game.
        And when one hurts others knowing what one’s doing… Well, you know who one is in those cases, no?



    1. That’s kind of you, and you are a dear, but people like me are part of the reason you were so eager to retire from teaching. I wasn’t quite The Kid but I was (and am) bad enough.


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