One Present

Well, it’s that time of year again. Debra (the dear!) reminded us that it is time to start our Christmas shopping. As I never tire of proclaiming, I am not Christian, so in principle Christmas does not apply to me. But Mammon demands His sacrifices too, and if I don’t feign caring for others by getting them presents they might see me for what I am, and then where will I be? So here is another rerun, except that I have eaten too much oatmeal and not enough pats of butter, and am in no condition to be blogging. Also, I predict this will be a less nice entry than usual. Reader discretion is advised. (Update: Boy howdy was this entry a mistake.)

Fortunately, Debra not only reminds us of our duties, but offers up practical solutions. When Travel Penguin (the dear!) asked his readers for their wishes, Debra’s answer was straightforward: another year of good health. If I had the power, that is the one wish I would have for all of you.

But of course I don’t have the power to do any more than wish. Although arguably less catastrophic than 2021, 2022 was a pretty bad year. Too many bloggers had to deal with serious health issues this year: Willym, RJ, Cookie (no weepies!), and probably others who are not coming to mind immediately. Lots of bloggers had people close to them get sick or die. Mr Peenee comes to mind here; his friend Special Agent Fred is sick and now Peenee is trying to raise funds so his friend can pay bills. America!

None of this should come as a surprise. None of us are getting younger, and as we age we are more likely to get sick. Certainly that has been my experience offline. My inner four-year-old is pretty unhappy, though. Reading blogs was supposed to be my entertainment! I was trying to escape from the dire reality of existence, and boy howdy it backfired hard. Sometimes I think I should have taken up macramé. I am not even sure what macramé is, but I would have been spared the curse of human connection if I had adopted it (unless, of course, I made the mistake of joining a fiber arts group).

Wow I am callous and self-centred. People whose blogs I have been creeping for years are suffering, and I am sitting here moaning about myself? Yes, I guess that is exactly the case.

I am not angry at people for getting sick. I just want people to be healthy, and feel upset when they are not. Intellectually I know that people suffer, but I don’t want the bloggers I read to be in that group.

Moreover I feel helpless. I am an outsider, lurking in other people’s lives, and at best I leave snarky, often hurtful comments in their blogs. In principle I can contribute some money when there are fundraisers, but for stupid reasons that is awkward. So then what? I leave unhelpful socially-awkward comments on their blogs? I disappear like the rest of their fair-weather friends? There are not good answers here. If I was willing to develop enough emotional intelligence to be genuinely supportive, then that would be a different story. But it is not.

(My inner four-year-old would like to remind you that reading blogs was supposed to be fun, and if I wanted the heartbreak of loss I could have cultivated relationships in real life.)

Thus, my Christmas wish for you: I wish that you could all be healthy and well. Then we could all sidestep these painful situations. Alas, that is not how reality works. Merry Christmas.

P.S. In fairness, I suppose I should note that not everything in 2022 was bad news, although even many of the good news stories involved pain. Blobby hurt his foot, but recovered . Similarly Michael54 was in treatment for prostate cancer, but his treatment appears to have worked. Dr Spo was in danger of losing health insurance, but pulled something together. Sassybear recovered enough from his gut issues that he was able to say goodbye to Roger. I guess Maddie got a new job too, which is good news. Also CB played the lead in his Christmas play, and Travel Penguin and WickedHamster paid Mitchell and San Geraldo a visit.

10 thoughts on “One Present

    1. Happy holidays? I think you mean “Merry Christmas”.

      I hope you are enjoying your visit to the bio-family.


    1. A better 2023 would be nice, but I don’t have my hopes up. I hope you are having a tolerable Christmas despite the many stressors.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I hope EVERYONE has good health next year! I’m looking forward to another year of reminding people of their duties and offering practical solutions to problems like the Mary Worth I am! Merry (Secular) Christmas to you, Lurkie!


  2. Your entry (clever and made me smile!) reminds me how thoughtful you are about your fellow blogger buddies. I am glad you are part of their lives; I am glad you are part of mine.

    That oatmeal sounds like it does you good.


    1. Oatmeal is fattening, which is why tomtes indulge only once a year.

      I am not thoughtful towards my fellow bloggers. I am utterly callous. Admitting that seeing the suffering of others makes us uncomfortable is something that is Not Done because it makes the sufferer feel worse/like a burden. It appropriates people’s suffering and redirects it towards the observer. That’s not thoughtful at all.


  3. Only the good die young. I thought you would have figured that out by now. And, as for pain and suffering, Silence Is Golden. Nobody likes to read people whining about their miseries.

    “Ouch!…My Fucking Toe.”

    I do hope you are warm.


    1. I firmly believe people can write whatever they want on their blogs. If they want to document their pain and suffering then they should be able to do so. Curated self-images are for Instagram.

      I’m keeping warm enough. I hope things are okay for you.


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